Welcome Home.

The Akasha Collective was founded in 2020 with a mission of supporting economic justice for Teachers of the Contemplative and Movement Arts. Our goal is to support excellent, impassioned Teachers in running their own businesses by sharing the costs of the space in which we teach. No more low wages at community centers or corporate studios that don’t honor the years you’ve dedicated to honing your craft or the energy required to to run a healing arts business.

At Akasha, your students retain a business relationship directly with you. You market and build your classes and set your rates according to your ethics and needs. You pay rent to the studio, which covers the space, website/newsletter, props, parking, and wifi/computer stand/lighting equipment for live-streaming if you wish. Studio rental costs are discounted for your first 6 months at Akasha to give you time to establish your class(es).

We are building a vibrant community that hosts a variety of disciplines, full people and energy to give all of us visibility so that we may grow together. We want your unique gifts to find a home here.

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